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Year 5 — Octopus and Jellyfish

Class teachers

Miss Stephanie Forward (Octopus) and Mr Theo Ward (Jellyfish)

Learning Support Assistants and 1:1s

Mrs Edwards 

Phase Leader and Deputy Head

Mr. Mike Pennington

Welcome to Year 5! 

Welcome back to school! We are very excited to have you in class and share our learning together. 

Things you need to know about your return: 

  • Class teachers are Mr Ward and Miss Forward. Mrs Edwards will be supporting in year 5.
  • Children will be coming into school through the big KS2 gate at 8.40am, then will make their way into class at 8.45am. 
  • At the end of the day (3.25pm) children are to be collected from the KS2 gate. Year 5 staff will be available at the gate at the end of the day for any quick queries.  
  • Indoor PE is on a Tuesday and Outdoor PE is on a Friday. PE kit is a red or white t-shirt, black shorts, joggers and a hoodie, trainers for outdoors and plimsolls for indoors (bare feet is also fine).
  • Forest School will be on Thursdays. Please bring wellies and forest school kit in.  
  • Children have access to the library for reading book changes on a regular basis. However, our specified library day is Monday. Children should have their reading book and Home School Diary in school everyday.  
  • Children will be receiving new Home/School Diaries for this academic year and these will be checked weekly by their teacher. Please ensure these are signed but any urgent messages are emailed rather than written in diaries.  



The topics this term are ‘Brainwave’, ‘Bake It’ and ‘Space Scientists’. In Brainwave, we will be exploring how we learn and how the brain works. In Bake It, we will be learning the processes involved in baking and the children will be baking their own bread roll. Finally, in Space Scientists we will be zooming around the solar system!  


Class Dojo 

In Year 5, we post the children’s learning on Class Dojo via Class Stories. This will provide you the weekly opportunity to celebrate the children’s learning by liking and commenting. Dojos can be earned for completing homework on time, reading daily, or being kind to others, being brave to try something new or helping out a classmate, amongst many other things! Children can redeem their dojos for rewards in our Year 5 Dojo Shop.


Please follow the URL below to link to your child. You will then be able to see the dojos they receive and what we’ve been up to. Please note this is for the year group so both classes are together/in the same place.


OPAL lunchtimes 

This year, we will be having OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) lunchtimes. This will involve all children using the field and playground on a daily basis for a variety of different types of play, including; colouring zone, music zone, sports, building activities, and many more! Children need to ensure that they have their wellies in school and appropriate coats or outdoor clothing so they can enjoy all there is to offer! 


Kind regards,  

Mr Ward and Miss Forward



Term 1 overview 

Term 2 overview 

Term 3 overview 

Term 4 overview 

Term 5 overview 

Term 6 overview 



To support learning in maths and English, Year 5 children have made short videos to explain some key concepts.


Exclamation Marks and Question Marks


Statements and Commands


Capital letters


Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers


Square Numbers

Cube Numbers

Digits and words


Negative Numbers
