Year 5 — Octopus and Jellyfish
Class teachers
Mr Bunting (Octopus) and Mr Theo Ward (Jellyfish)
Learning Support Assistants and 1:1s
Mrs Edwards
Phase Leader
Welcome back Year 5!
Welcome back and Happy New Year!
We hope you had an enjoyable and restful Christmas break.
After a fantastic Autumn term in Year 5, we are looking forward to our new topics and adventures in this Spring Term.
- Outdoor PE is on a Friday - Please wear PE kit to school (plain white or red top with black joggers/shorts and hoodie. No logos please, where possible)
- Indoor PE is on a Tuesday – Please wear PE kit to school
- Forest School will continue to be on Thursday afternoons. As the weather is becoming colder and Forest School can be very muddy, please ensure forest school kit and wellies are in school. If children do not have full kit, they will not be able to attend Forest School.
- Home/School Diaries are checked weekly by teachers. Please ensure these are signed and reading at home has been recorded. Any messages that need to be read urgently, please email us instead.
We expect every child to be reading at least 5 times a week at home and for their home school diary to be signed. Spellings will again be set weekly on Spelling Shed for the children to practise before their spelling tests on a Monday.
The children are also expected to continue learning their times tables on TTRockstars or by any means necessary! They are doing very well with these so far so thank you for your support.
This term our topic is ‘The Great, The Bold and The Brave’.
In History we’ll be learning about:
- Ancient Greece and what the buildings tell us about life in the past
- How Athens and Sparta changed in response to the threat from the Persian Empire
- The past civilisations that have shaped life in Britain today
- The rise and fall of the Roman Empire
- The Roman Army
- Some of the important historical figures, such as Alexander the Great and Alfred the Great, and their place in history
- Invaders and settlers in the Middle Ages
- How we find out about the past.
In International we’ll be learning about:
- The different political systems and organisation of societies in the past and present
- Reasons for migration and displacement of people.
In Art we’ll be learning about:
- Greek and Roman art styles and techniques
- How to recreate in the style of Greek or Roman artwork.
In Music we’ll be learning about:
- How Greek chorus was used in performances
- Composing sounds to enhance storytelling in a performance
- Writing lyrics to tell a musical story.
Class Dojo
Just a quick reminder about ‘Class Dojo’ stories. We endeavour to post at least once a week something we have been learning about in school. We would really love to hear from you, if your children talk about it at home or any further learning you undertake!
Kind regards,
Year 5 Team
Term 1 overview

Term 2 overview

Term 3 overview

Term 4 overview

Term 5 overview

Term 6 overview

To support learning in maths and English, Year 5 children have made short videos to explain some key concepts.
Exclamation Marks and Question Marks
Statements and Commands
Capital letters
Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers
Square Numbers
Cube Numbers
Digits and words
Negative Numbers