Year 2 — Sea Turtle and Spinner Dolphin
Class teachers
Mrs. Sarah Burdett (Spinner Dolphin), Miss Claire Stanley (Sea Turtles) and Mr Niall Taylor (Hammerhead Shark)
Learning Support Assistants and 1:1s
Mrs Jacque Johnstone
Phase Leader
Year 2
We look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning ready to start in your new classrooms. Please ensure your child enters via the main office gate at 8.40 and Mrs Burdett and Miss Stanley will be there to line the children up and bring them straight into the year 2 classrooms.
At the end of the day (3.25pm) please collect your child from the courtyard (enter via the main office gates). We will dismiss the children from the courtyard doors. Mrs Burdett’s class will exit from the pink classroom door. Miss Stanley’s class will exit from the green door near the library
· Library is Monday
· Outdoor PE is on a Friday
· Indoor PE: Thursday
PE kit is a red or white t-shirt, black/red hoodie, black shorts or jogging bottoms and trainers (plimsolls for inside). Branded items should be kept minimal.
· Forest School every other week: Spinner Dolphins (Tuesday 24th Sept), Turtles (Tuesday 1 Nov)
Please ensure forest school kit and wellies are in school. This kit is also used by the children at break and lunchtime if it is muddy and they are on the field. If children do not have full kit, they will not be able to attend Forest School. Please ensure it is also named.
· Home/School Diaries are checked weekly by teachers. Please ensure these are signed and reading at home has been recorded.
· Brainwave – How to be an effective learner
· From a-b
We expect every child to be reading at least 5 times a week at home and for their home school diary to be signed and to play TT Rockstars.
Class Dojo
Please make sure you connect to Class Dojo. We endeavour to post at least once a week something we have been learning about in school. We would really love to hear from you, if your children talk about it at home or any further learning you undertake! Don’t forget, you can see all the Dojo points your child has been awarded (and what for) by looking at reports!
Please speak to us at the end of the day if there’s anything you wish to discuss.
Kind regards,
Mrs Burdett and Miss Stanley
Term 1 overview
Term 2 overview
Term 3 overview
Term 4 overview
Term 5 overview
Term 6 overview