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What if something gets lost?  Please make sure all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name so that it can be returned if found.  We collect lots of lost property items each term and struggle to return most of it.  The lost property storage is outside the library, just along from the fish tank.  Unclaimed items are always reused and are made accessible to other families in our pre-loved uniform stock.

Can my child wear jewellery in school? For safety reasons, children should not wear any jewellery in school.  However, they may wear a wristwatch and if your child has pierced ears, small studs may be worn.  These will need to be removed for P.E. lessons and if your child goes swimming.

Does my child need to bring in a water bottle? No, every child will be given a school water bottle and will be encouraged to have it with them at all times and refill it during the day. If they prefer their bottle from home though, they can of course bring this one in. Additionally, there are water fountains in the playgrounds. 

What should I do if my child is not well? If your child is unwell then s/he should be kept at home.  Please telephone the school to let us know why your child is absent. If they become unwell during the school day, we will always make contact with you.  On the parents page, there is guidance on common illnesses.

What happens if my child has an accident at school? Unfortunately, sometimes children do have accidents or become unwell whilst they are at school and we need to call you- it can add to your child’s distress if we are unable to contact you.  Please ensure that we have up-to-date contact telephone numbers for you and tell us straight away if these change.

Where can I park to drop off and pick up my child? The area outside school becomes very congested and wherever possible, we suggest that you park slightly further away from school and walk. Please do not park on The Green or in the disabled parking bay. The two bays are for emergency and priority use only. Please also drive very slowly and carefully in the vicinity of the school and turn off your engines when parked - thank you. 

When can I talk to the teachers? Teachers are busy settling their classes first thing in the morning and can only receive the briefest of messages at that time.  They are more easily available at the end of the day when they have dismissed their classes.  Teachers are happy to make appointments to see you if you would like a longer chat or are happy to send and receive emails.

What if my child has special needs? We can meet a variety of special needs in school.   Please discuss your child’s needs with the teacher and/or Head teacher, Karen Morris  The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), Natalie Parsonson will be happy to meet with you to discuss specific concerns -

What if my child can’t speak English?  Our SENCo and Learning Mentors, Lynn Mildren will work closely with the class teacher and LSA to provide as much additional support as possible to help your child/ren in their acquisition of English as an additional language. 

What should I do if I am worried about my child’s progress?  Ask for an appointment to talk to the class teacher about your concerns straight away.  If you are still anxious, please ask to see the Special Educational Needs Coordinator or the Headteacher.

What should I do if my child is bullied? Advise your child to speak to an adult in the school. This can be any member of staff that they feel comfortable with. You may also wish to support your child by talking to the teacher with your child.  We would encourage them to report any incident to the class teacher as they can observe behaviour during lessons and advise lunchtime staff as necessary. We take accusations of bullying very seriously and any incidents are dealt with appropriately and with speed. If you are concerned about your child please speak to the head teacher and never approach a child or the parent. Our BNTO committee (Be Nice to Others) holds monthly meetings to consider ways to improve behaviour and children's happiness. 

Can my child cycle or scooter to school?  Yes, your child can cycle or scooter to school, in fact, we encourage it alongside walking.  Children cycling to school must wear a cycle helmet with a simple rule - no helmet, no cycling. There is a bike rack at the side of the year 2 and 3 classes.

Can I volunteer to help in class?  Yes, absolutely. Speak to the class teacher in the first instance to plan a time and activity, then we'll work on your DBS check ( for safeguarding purposes). Once this is in place, we would really value your time and support. This could be for group work, reading, Forest School sessions...whatever you feel comfortable supporting. 

Do you offer extended support before and after school?  Yes, we do. Have a look on the Wrap Club page for further information. We also run Wrap Club during some of the school holidays. 

How are school trip costs worked out? We try hard to keep costs of trips as low as possible. When calculating the cost of a trip or an in-school experience, we simply split the total cost between the number of children. If a family is unable to pay or fails to pay, the cost is not transferred to other families. In these instances, the school picks up the cost.  We are always keen to work closely with families to put payment plans in place as required. 

Why doesn't the school hold cake sales any more?  Part of the school's role is to ensure that children learn about health and well-being.  Recognising the links between childhood obesity and illnesses in later life, we take this role seriously and ensure that our statutory role is deeply embedded.  Holding cake sales as we did in the past is against this guidance and instead, we hold Fruity Friday sales where the children are fully involved in food preparation.