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News Articles

At Deanshanger Primary school we would like to keep you all informed about all  the breaking news here at our school. From school trips to what goes on everyday as your children are learning and experiencing so many different adventures.  

If you click into a news item, there should be a button that will link you into the gallery where we save special memories. 

May 2022

  • Year 6 SATs

    Published 06/05/22

    The Year 6 children will be sitting their Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) next week on Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May. It is essential that the children attend school every day and that they are in school on time.  The Y6 classes will be invited into class from the regular time of 8.50am, to enjoy healthy snacks and help prepare and relax them. The Year 6 team will be there to make sure that the children feel ready for the day ahead.

    This weekend, please support your child to relax as much as possible. Make sure that they have an early night and feel fully rested for the week ahead. Please remind them that they are well-prepared for the tests and that all we want is for them to try their hardest.

    The SATs are a snapshot of what your child has learned in primary school and the results depend on how well they perform on the day.  As the team that works with your children, we can honestly say that each and every child has made fantastic progress this academic year in multiple ways, and not just academically. We are very proud of the hard work and resilience they have shown in preparing for the tests despite the challenges of the last couple of years and lockdown etc. The SATs are important and are almost a 'rite of passage into secondary education, but they do not define your children; we know the plethora of additional skills and talents that they hold and the personal attributes and school values that they consistently display. 

    Monday 9th May  English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling

    Tuesday 10th May  English reading

    Wednesday 11th May  Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning

    Thursday 12th May   Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

    On Friday 13th May, we will have a trip out to the Pocket Park. 


    Test Results
    You will receive test results for your child in English reading, English grammar, punctuation and spelling (SPaG), and mathematics. There is no test for English writing; this will be reported using teacher assessment. You will be given your child’s scaled score and whether they have reached the expected standard set by the Department for Education (‘NS’ means that the expected standard was not achieved and ‘AS’ means the expected standard was achieved).

    The range of scaled scores available for each KS2 test is 80 (the lowest scaled score that can be awarded) and 120 (the highest scaled score). 

    • 80 (the lowest scaled score that can be awarded)
    • 80-99- working below the national expected standard
    • 100- 110 working at the expected standard
    • 111-120 suggests working at a greater depth

    The expected standard for each test is a scaled score of 100 or more. If a child is awarded a scaled score of 99 or less they won't have achieved the expected standard in the test.


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  • School Attendance - 05-05-22

    Published 05/05/22

    School attendance has improved incredibly over the past few months - we are grateful for all your efforts to support this. You may have noticed that Mrs. Hodge is now looking after attendance alongside Mr. Peel in the school office. As you can imagine, this job has been more difficult through the pandemic with higher absences than in previous years, but we are now getting back to 'normal'.

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