Community Design Workshop

Please find below information from the Local Authority regarding setting up a community workshop to provide support during this second lockdown for families and lone parents.
Community Design Workshop
With the county experiencing a second wave of COVID-19 cases and the country as a whole about to enter a second lockdown, we are keen to work in partnership with residents to develop ways to tackle the spread within our communities.
We understand some of the things that may block people from following the self-isolation, social distancing and now the new lockdown guidelines and we want to work together with you to find solutions.
This might include looking at the way we communicate about the government or local guidance, how we engage with residents, how we keep people informed of changes, right through to looking at the practical support we may be able to offer.
Public Health recently undertook a survey in Northamptonshire with over 2600 people and these virtual workshops will look at the outcomes of that and think about possible ways to help tackle the issues it identifies, for example, some people stated that they are confused about the guidance for isolation, we could think of new ways to communicate this information. We want to work with you to find the solutions that will work for who you are, where you live and for our communities.
We want to explore the issues from the perspective of families and lone parents to see if there is a specific way that we need to target our messages. We want to understand what the particular challenges for lone parents, for larger families who are unable to form one bubble, for families with children who have additional needs.
If you would like to take part, please register to attend using this link. Please note that this workshop will take place on ZOOM. If you have any questions about this event, please email: