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Relationships and Health Education (R and HE)

Relationships and Health Education forms part of our Personal and Social Health and Education curriculum. The subject champion is Miss Claire Stanley.

We follow the PSHCE Association framework throughout the school (from Year 1) to ensure full coverage of all objectives; in particular, this is the questions scheme. The three strands are living in the wider world (e.g., budgeting, the economy, future jobs,  the internet, respecting others, community events and belonging to groups), relationships (including sex education) and health and wellbeing. This is enhanced by our International Primary Curriculum – IPC. This has an international strand that runs through the units, plus embedded values and a focus on health and wellbeing. At the beginning of every school year the first unit always focuses on the brain, cognitive development and regulating emotions.

Reception use their own curriculum document to plan and deliver regular PSHCE opportunities.

The PSHCE sessions are enhanced by whole school events and assemblies.

Floor books (used in all year group), evidence some of the weekly sessions in class.

If the teachers believe that the cohort is not ready for the objectives outlined below, then this information is shared to the receiving teacher to ensure coverage. This is more of an exception rather than the rule, but ensures that the needs of the child are fully recognised in partnership with knowing the framework.

As shown in the attached policy, it Initially focuses on looking at the body and taking care of it. Later it considers friendships and relationships. As the children grow older, in Years 5 and 6, puberty is discussed. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from certain parts of the curriculum but not biological learning. 

A request to withdraw should be made in writing to the Head Teacher, Mrs Rachel Rice